Of 35 resolutions, 20% relate to gender, 0% to jobs, spending, or near-term healthcare.
The list represents what UCP base membership thinks is most important to governance, and also what they believe to be currently happening.
Some excerpts:
- Policy resolution #4, proposed by the 1-hour-outside-of-Calgary Cardston-Siksika, to make sure that “minors are protected from exposure to sexually explicit performances and events”.
- Resolution 7 proposes a “Bill of Parental Rights”, where “a parent’s prior right and responsibility to raise their children precedes government legislation” reasoning “Remedial provisions would provide a deterrent for those who have demonstrated a willingness to disrespect the family unit. Family is in the best interests of the child.”
- #8 proposes opt-in sexual education in schools
- Item 12 wants Alberta to “Recognize the importance of CO2 to life” by “removing the designation of CO2 as a pollutant”. (There are no resolutions proposing cutting Flood Protection programs due to water being “important to life”)
With Danielle Smith’s recent acquiescence to chemtrail urban legends, many of the other policies can be interpreted as re-worded conspiracy theories, such as “government tracking” (policy 25), or voting issues (27) that have been recently quite expensive.