Exactly what it means for an entire Ministry to be reprimanded isn’t clear

This is especially uncertain as the Minister in question has since been changed (In 2022 it was Jason Copping, after 2023 it has been Adriana LaGrange).

The letter dated July 3rd indicates a subject of “Alberta Ministry of Health 2022 Brooks-Medicine Hat By-election” with a violation of “Section 134.1(3) of the Election Act Restrictions on government advertising of programs and/or activities during a by-election period.”

Section 134.1(3) reads (in part):

During a by-election period, a department or a Provincial corporation shall not advertise or publish any information about its programs or activities that has a disproportionate impact on voters in the electoral division in which the by-election is being held

(Alberta Elections Act, ~page 98)


In the 14 years of history available from the Elections Alberta Findings and Decisions pages, this is the first time that a Ministry has been sanctioned.  Further details from Elections Alberta are not available because it is “legislatively prohibited from publicly commenting”.  Also unaddressed is the apparently paradoxical (or at least ineffectual) possibility of a provincial government service sanctioning another, requiring payment using provincial government resources.