No improvements for rural physicians, oncologists

President of the Alberta Medical Association Paul Parks has written open letters before.  In this one he says they’ve not given up on working with the Alberta UCP government, but admit that they haven’t seen any improvement in a year.

[…] I have repeatedly asked you to be patient as we waited for meaningful action to address our concerns. I am not giving up, but I know that not everyone can afford to hold on indefinitely.

[…]81% of Alberta physicians report that the health care system is getting worse while 79% say support to physicians for providing care has also deteriorated.

[…]Cancer care wait times are skyrocketing and patients are suffering. Our colleagues have continually been told to do more with less and just make it work.

Government proudly reports a surplus budget and is socking away funds for some unknown future date. Instead of investing today to keep people healthy tomorrow, they are choosing to send Albertans for the most expensive care in overflowing emergency departments and hospitals, to which many will simply return in a worsening spiral because there is no one to care for them in the community. It appears that our government is committed to spending more on consultants and on the dismantling of the existing health care system, than on directing desperately needed funding to the front lines. […]

No answer to our SOS
Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association